Sunday, February 20, 2011


The classic argument. Which is better? Ps3 or X360?

Well, I personally have been involved in such arguments before. Well, I can't really give you guys that much of a fair argument since i own a PS3 but not an X360, but I will try to be as fair as possible.

Let's start off with the 360. A good console, it is an all-around favourite. You can play almost every game on it: GTA, COD, Halo, Borderlands, all those good games. Almost everyone who has Xbox live has a headset, which means you can chat with your team tactically while playing an objective game on say, Halo 3.

It has many accessories, like play and charge cables, stands, all the good stuff.

Now we have the Playstation 3. A Japanese made, trusted console. You can play many games on it, but maybe not as many compared to the Xbox. However, it isn't just for playing games. You can access twitter and facebook, go online, on youtube, chat with your friends, and even watch movies stored on a USB drive.It also supports blu-ray, so you've practically got a blu-ray player and gaming console all put together.

You can also connect your PSP to your PS3 for remote play, which is also very cool.

Unlike the 360, however, the Ps3 allows free access to the Playstation Network so long as you have an  internet connection. The 360 requires you to have an Xbox LIVE subscription, meaning you have a yearly fee to access Xbox LIVE.

The 360 also has a bad reputation for reliability, with a warranty of only 3 years. That basically means that you buy an X360, use it for 3 years, then boom, you got the Red Ring of Death.

So generally, if you want a console which will last you a very long time but whiich will cost you more and has less accessories, go with the PS3.

However, if you want a console which isn't that expensive, supports almost every game and accessory but will only last you 3 years, go with the 360.

The decision is yours to make.

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